Who We Are
A whole world is hidden behind the facade of Teylers Museum! As a museum team, we work here on new exhibitions, curating and preserving the building and collections, developing educational programmes and encouraging today’s artists, in keeping with Pieter Teyler’s ideals. Every day, more than 60 staff and as many volunteers enjoy working at the oldest museum in the Netherlands, on the basis of Teyler’s testament.
Marc de Beyer, Director
Marije Kool, Business Director

Marc de Beyer and Marije Kool.
Supervisory Board
- Drs. Stan Kaatee, Chairman
- Mw. drs. Caroline Visser, Treasurer
- Mw. Claasje Quadekker, quality office for education
- Dr. Jorrit Kelder
- Mw. drs. Frederike van Citters-Van de Grampel (Teylers Foundation)

Teyler’s Ideals
Pieter Teyler believed every individual has the right to pursue freedom and happiness, which would ultimately lead to a better world. He instructed five of his friends to advance his ideals after his death. The foundation they established did so by supporting people living in poverty and by encouraging art, science and knowledge about religion. The Teylers Foundation, Teylers Museum and Teylers Societies still operate in accordance with these ideals.